Experiences in Biology


This high school biology lab manual e-book covers topics in zoology, human anatomy, cellular biology, botany, and ecology using dissections, microscope work, and field work.


Our biology lab manual covers topics in zoology, human anatomy, cellular biology, botany, and ecology using dissections, microscope work, and field work.

The concept with our lab manuals is that you choose 12-15 labs throughout the course of the school year.  Your choice is based on student interest, available materials, topics desired to be covered, or gaps in another lab manual you may have.

A good biology lab course should cover all the listed topics.  Keep in mind that this lab manual will match up to whatever textbook you are using for your Biology course.

There is no substitute for actually looking at something under the microscope or performing your own dissections!  Forget the virtual labs your course might employ, pick up this book and put together a quality lab to go with your program!

Information is included in the front of the lab manual on setting up a lab notebook and writing a lab report.  There is also a master list of materials although please select your labs before you buy the list!  Answer key is included in the back.

This course has been used with many students since the 90s when it was originally published!  Please use the contact form for specific questions, sample pages, or to ask questions about one of the labs specifically as you are executing it.  (I’ll find a break in our homeschool day to help out!)



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